Ponies Rock, Join the Ride. The Great Pony Challenge is Back!

June 1, 2015 – Erin, ON – Angelstone is excited to announce that a trending equine accessories company My Barn Child has returned as the Title Sponsor of the Great Pony Challenge which will start a month from today, on the first of July.

The Great Pony Challenge & The Hunter Spectacular, held from July 1st to July 5th, will be an exclusive event to kick off Angelstone’s 2015 show season where Pony & Hunters competitors are the highlights of the week, with the jumpers showing off what they do best in the Angelstone Main Stadium.

The GPC will have two sets of ribbons to eight. There will be ribbons for the top eight ‘Team Awards’, as well as ten individual ribbons counting for zone points. The competition will be a one-round format.

Teams will consist of three ponies each and can be comprised of any combination of smalls, mediums, or larges. Pony riders are allowed to make up teams or you can ask the show office to assist in matching competitors into teams.

‘My Barn Child’ charms and product gift bags will be offered to our pony competitors throughout the weekend. ‘My Barn Child’ will also be the Championship Prize Sponsor of the Small, Medium, Large Pony & Pony Jumper divisions throughout the season.

The team with the highest score will be awarded the GPC trophy. Teams are encouraged to have had fun at this special event, our pony patrons will be decked out in colour co-ordinated combos, sparkles, bling, and everything fun and young! Get creative! Come up with a team theme, pick your team colours, choose your teammates, and get your entries in to win amazing ‘My Barn Child’ prizes.

Angelstone Tournaments is also pleased to offer the OHJA Pony Power Series at the Great Pony Challenge on July 4th, which will be another opportunity to accumulate OHJA points.

β–Ά Download 2015 Prize List

β–Ά 2015 All Entry Forms

β–Ά Hay/Shavings Pre-Order Form

β–Ά Schedule of Events 2015


www.angelstone.ca | 8720 Wellington RD #50 Erin, ON Canada