NationWide AutoWarranty JR/AM Series heats up!

With only two qualifiers left in the NationWide AutoWarranty series the chase to qualify for the final is heating up! Riders must compete in three of the four qualifiers and finish in the top 20 in the standings to be eligible for the final which will take place next Sunday at the Orangeville International Horse Show. This Sunday Angelstone will the second last qualifying event and the stakes will be high to earn a spot in the 2013 final. The winner of the final will drive away in a brand new Kia! The car will be presented to the winner the following week at the Angelstone National Phase 1 right before the $100,000 Champions Grand Prix presented by Eric Lamaze. For more information please visit

NationWide Standing 2013 | 8720 Wellington RD #50 Erin, ON Canada