2015 OHJA Ultimate Hunter Challenge at Angelstone

OHJA Ultimate Hunter Challenge at Angelstone

AUGUST 21, 2015 – ERIN, ON – Angelstone is pleased to host the 2015 OHJA Ultimate Hunter Challenge. This year brings the expanded age groups to include 8 year olds as well as a change in venue.

There are lots of prizes and $5,000 in prize money up for grabs in each age group. We hope to see you and your Ultimate Hunter. For full program details and registration form please go to the OHJA website here: http://www.ohja.ca/page.asp?pageid=10062.

Register today for your chance to win the 2015 OHJA Ultimate Hunter Challenge! Shown over 3 phases, a Model, Over Fences and an Under Saddle to showcase the quintessential Hunter.

Class Specification (Class# 507)
Wednesday, August 26th, ESI Main Hunter Ring

Eligibility and Specifications:

  • Open to horses 4,5,6,7,8 year olds competing in the Equine Canada Gold Rated Divisions or the Baby Green Hunter Division
  • Horses must have competed in Ontario a minimum number of four (4) times in the current season to be eligible for the UHC. Host show can be used for eligibility providing horse shows in the appropriate division.
  • Horses must compete in the Challenge at the height that corresponds with their current β€œgreen” status as per Equine Canada rules. This
    includes horses that are qualifying out of non-professional divisions (i.e. Children’s/Adult, Junior/Amateur). For example – a horse entering the Challenge that has been showing in the Adult Amateur division will jump in accordance with its current year green status (Pre Green, First Year etc.).
  • Both age sections will offer three heights: 2’9”, 3’0” and 3’6”. Pre Green High horses will be required to jump 3’0”, and horses in their
    β€œRegular” and β€œSecond” years will be required to jump 3’6”. Age groups may be combined if there are less than 8 entries in one or both age
  • There is no Registration Fee required but Registration forms must be completed by a cut-off date approximately 3 weeks prior to the Challenge. Registration forms are available on the OHJA website and from OHJA Committee Members. If entry numbers warrant restriction, horses registered after cut-off date may be unable to compete.
  • Registration must include valid copy of horse’s papers for proof of age (Tattooed thoroughbreds without papers are eligible when a letter is provided from a vet confirming the tattoo number and corresponding year of birth). Papers may be randomly checked by a show vet and
  • cross referenced with horses/EC passports.

  • All entries must have valid current OHJA memberships for both owner and rider. To be eligible for Trainer awards, trainers must also have valid current OHJA memberships.

UHC Format:
Two separate Challenges will be run and pinned, each with three phases of competition; one for 4/5/6 year olds and one for 7/8 year olds. The OHJA will provide $5,000 of prize money for each section run as well as special ribbons and prizes. Groups may be combined if there are less than 8 entries in one or both age groups. If age groups are combined prize money will be based on purse of $5,000 for one challenge.

β€’ Phase 1 – $500 Model $130/100/80/65/50/35/20/20
β€’ Phase 2 – $750 Under Saddle $200/150/120/100/70/55/30/25
β€’ Phase 3 – $3,750 Over Fences $1125/850/650/450/275/200/100/100

Entry Fee $125 – individual phases may not be entered
Entries may be restricted if numbers warrant

UHC Scoring:

  • All phases will be run under EC rules.
  • Horses will receive scores in model and under saddle phases. Those horses competing in the model and under saddle phases that place
    8th or higher will be awarded a numeric score ranging from 50-100 at the judge’s discretion. Those horses that place 9th or lower will receive an automatic score of 50. It is up to the judge’s discretion if they feel that a horse placing 9th or lower deserves a score lower than 50 (i.e. in the event of disobedience). Any horse that does not complete the class (i.e. doesn’t enter/finish the under saddle or the model) will receive a 0 (zero) for that phase.
  • The over fences phase will be one round over a classic style course of more than 8 jumps. Open numerical scoring will be used.
  • Champion and Reserve of each section to be determined based on a total score over three phases using a ration of: 65% Over Fences, 20%
    Under Saddle, 15% Model.
  • β€œUltimate Hunter Champion” to be awarded to horse with the highest total score over the three phases
  • β€œLeading Trainer Awards” to be awarded to the trainer of the Champion of each age section

015 OHJA Ultimate Hunter Challenge Registration Form